Grantee story: Oludare Durodola

Grantee story: Oludare Durodola

I’m Oludare Durodola, a PhD student at the Department of Geography and Environment, University of Aberdeen and The James Hutton Institute, Scotland, United Kingdom. My research is focused on examining water use strategies in agricultural co-cropping systems. Special thanks to COST Action WATSON for providing the funds to conduct a Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, with Prof Dr. Youri Rothfuss. During the visit, I had the opportunity to learn about different water extraction techniques, specifically for non-woody plant species and analysed plant and soil samples collected from my experimental field site for stable water isotope composition. The STSM provided a platform to network with other researchers using stable water isotopes, and we discussed future collaboration on the topic of water use strategies of co-existing species in agricultural and agroforestry sites. 

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