I am Klara Žagar, a PhD student at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia). In March I participated at the conference in Pisa (Italy) titled Water in Geosciences. The conference was organised by other PhD students of the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Pisa. It was well attended with more than 40 participants scientists, mainly students and some other professionals in the field of isotope hydrology.
I participated with an oral presentation titled: Use of environmental isotopes to investigate the partitioning of water in the water supply system of Ljubljana, Slovenia (co-authors: T. Kanduč, B. Bračič Železnik, B. Jamnik and P. Vreča).
The participation in the conference was very interesting, instructive and showed the importance of interdisciplinary research and cooperation between different institutions. Despite the possibilities of virtual participation during past few years, I could see that in-person meetings are more successful and fruitful.