Author: Staff WatsonCost
Extended core group meeting in Ljubljana
The next Extended core group meeting (ECG) will be held the 11 and 12 June in Ljubljana! The event can also be attended online.
Grantee story: Pınar Gültekin
Pınar attended the 8th International Congress of Eurasian Social Sciences held in Muğla, Türkiye the 25-28 April 2024. Pinar gave a talk titled Evaluating new methods for sustainable water resource management under a changing climate About this experience, Pinar says...
WATSON Meeting in Barcelona
Almost ready for the next, and last, meeting of the WATSON network. It will be held at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) in Barcelona the 14, 15 and 16 May The program includes the meeting of the extended...
Grantee story: Dawid Kupka
My name is Dawid Kupka and I’m a research assistant at Department of Forest Ecology and Sylviculture, Department of Forestry, University of Agriculture in Kraków (Poland). During my Short Term Scientific Mission, I had the opportunity to visit the geo-laboratory...