Sampling and Extraction Techniques by Teresa E. Gimeno
Water Extraction Methods for Stable Isotope Analysis by Nathalie Orlowski
In-situ water isotopes techniques by Angelika Kübert and Matthias Beyer
Isotopic determination of plant and source water samples by Adrià Barbeta
Spectral interference by organic contaminants in laser absorption spectrometry by Adrià Barbeta
Normalization procedures (must read and do!)
Toward a common methodological framework for the sampling, extraction, and isotopic analysis of water in the Critical Zone to study vegetation water use by Ceperley et al (WG2)
Stable Isotope Hydrology by Roger E. Diamond:
Good Practice Guide for Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry by Dunn and Carter
Environmental isotopes in hydrogeology (Chapter 10) by Clark and Fritz