Introduction to water stable isotopes by Josie Geris
What are isotopes (general)? by Tyler DeWitt. Explanation based on lemon shaped cars
Breakthroughs in Isotope Hydrology by Carol Kendall
Isotope Hydrology: Tools to unlock Water’s secrets by Viraj Edirisinghe
Introduction tracer Hydrology by Stefan Uhlenbrook
Protecting Water Resources – The Role of Isotope Hydrology by IAEA
Stable Isotope Hydrology by Roger E. Diamond
Environmental isotopes in hydrogeology by Clark and Fritz
Stable Isotopes in Ecology and Environmental Science SECOND EDITION EDITED BY ROBERT MICHENERAND KATE LAJTHA
Stable isotopes geochemistry, 2nd edition, by Zachary Sharp (free version). Excellent for introduction in stable isotope geochemistry (including the section on “isotope nomenclature” – a must read)
Environmental isotopes in the hydrological cycle – Principles and Applications by W.G. Mook