WG4 stimulates networking among the other WGs, promotes the activities of Watson, and disseminates the Action products.
WG4, in cooperation with representatives from other WGs:
- is in charge of designing, populating and maintaining the Watson website, which grants free access to scientific and technical products of the Action (protocols, databases, maps, open-access papers, technical and educational reports and diagrams, training materials, recommendations and best practices)
- promptly publishes Watson’s news on social media platforms
- designs Watson logo and persona
- develops a plan of action to communicate science through short videos, webinars and other online activities
- coordinates the translation of protocols and executive summaries of key documents into multiple European languages
- promotes and organizes the final Action conference and conference proceedings
Supported by the Science communication managers, WG4 also advertises open calls for short-term scientific missions (STSM) and Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) Conference Grants, and develops tools to communicate science in a clear, yet rigorous language, to policy makers and citizens. The stakeholder involvement committee, which is a subcommittee of WG4, specifically coordinates interactions with water resource managers, policy practitioners and the wider research community.
Due to the present pandemic, most of WG4 actions will take place online, but we look forward to a time (hopefully soon!) when we will be able to meet again and explore all the opportunities of sharing and enjoying science.
- Francesca Scandellari (francesca.scandellari@u-series.com)
- Polona Vreča (polona.vreca@ijs.si)
- Josie Geris (j.geris@abdn.ac.uk)
Science Communicator Managers
- Jana Von Freyberg (jana.vonfreyberg@epfl.ch)
- Petra Zvab Rozic (petra.zvab@ntf.uni-lj.si)