Grant period: —
Deadline application —
First starting date —
Last ending date —
Conference Grants support PhD students and Young Researchers and Innovators from participating Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITCs) to attend international science and technology-related conferences not specifically organized by the COST Action.
The eligibility criteria are:
- The applicant must be a PhD student or a Young Researcher and Innovator (A researcher or innovator under the age of 40);
- The applicant’s primary affiliation is an institution located in an COST Inclusiveness Target Country;
- The applicant must give a presentation (oral/poster/pico/e-lightening) at the conference and be listed in the official event/conference program;
- The main subject of the presentation is a topic relevant to the WATSON COST action;
- WATSON should be acknowledged both in the book of abstracts and in the oral/poster presentation, following COST guidelines;
- The grant is for future conferences and not for conferences which already took place.
All applications will be evaluated by the ITC Conference Grant Committee and approved by the Action Chair and Vice Chair.
- The scientific scope of the conference contribution clearly compliments the overall objectives of the Action (please, check the objectives in the memorandum of understanding of WATSON)
- Scientific quality of the conference contribution
- Oral contributions will be given priority over poster contributions
- European conferences preferred, although conferences held elsewhere and online conferences can be considered
- Quality of the motivation letter
- Quality of the CV