How to estimate water storage and mean transit times
Deuterium and tritium can provide information on how much water is stored in an aquifer or in a watershed.
In case of contamination by diffuse sources, this information can be useful to determine how quickly contaminated water is
replaced by uncontaminated water)?
This presentation was provided by
Julien Farlin. Luxembourg
Copenhagen University
September 2023
Estimate groundwater recovery time from diffuse agricultural pollution
Water managers need to base their decisions regarding
agrochemical contamination on estimates of aquifer waiting times
This presentation was provided by
Julien Farlin. Luxembourg
SINA meeting Salzburg
17th November 2023
Uncertainties in the streamflow mean transit time determination in a mountain catchment
Stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in precipitation
and catchment runoff
Lumped models
Use the experience within the COST network to discuss
some issues in the methodology that has become a
routine over years
This presentation was provided by
Ladislav Holko, Institute of Hydrology, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Using environmental isotopes for waiting time assessment in groundwater protection zones
Estimates of waiting times are useful when mitigation
measures are taken in a protection zone, and you want
to know how long it will take for water quality to
This presentation was provided by
Julien Farlin. Luxembourg