My name is Dawid Kupka and I’m a research assistant at Department of Forest Ecology and Sylviculture, Department of Forestry, University of Agriculture in Kraków (Poland). During my Short Term Scientific Mission, I had the opportunity to visit the geo-laboratory of the geography department at the University of Zurich. My stay was related to the research for the research project “Migration pathways of nitrogen between soil environment and young trees (Norway spruce and common beech) using stable 15N isotope tracer in simulated climate change experiment”, of which I am the manager. I analyzed research material obtained during a field experiment focusing on the impact of warming on the forest environment.
My stay at UZH allowed me to better understand stable isotope mass spectrometry and its use in environmental sciences. Thanks to the exchange of experience with the respected hosts, I was able to revise the obtained results, which will help me in my work on publications. WATSON allowed me to establish valuable contacts with scientists specializing in fields similar to mine, thanks to which I have the opportunity to exchange experiences and gain valuable knowledge.
Dawid Kupka is the recipient of a Short term scientific missions grant