Arianna Borriero spent the whole month of September 2021 in a scientific mission, hosted by Miriam Coenders and Dr. Markus Hrachowitz at the Water Management Department of the University of Delft. Let’s see what she has to say about her short term scientific mission granted by the COST Action WATSON!
“I’m Arianna, PhD candidate at the Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research – UFZ. Thanks to the COST Action WATSON, I had the opportunity to carry out a research stay at TU Delft where I studied the interactions between the use of water by vegetation and the transit time of water. Due to the Corona pandemic, most of my PhD took place online and networking was very limited. WATSON has allowed me to have a first experience in presence, to grow my connections and to learn new things, as well as to meet amazing friends and visit new places.”
Arianna is one of the first scientists to enjoy the opportunity given by our COST Action to meet in person and to network with other researchers in her field, an invaluable experience especially in these days! More information about this opportunity can be found in our dedicated web page.
You can find more information about Arianna in her CV
Arianna published a very interesting paper on “Uncertainty in water transit time estimation with StorAge Selection functions and tracer data interpolation”.
You can find it here