Tag: Ph.D.
Grantee story: Matteo Nigro
I’m Matteo Nigro a Ph.D. student at the Earth Science Department of the University of Pisa. My education is focused on water-related disciplines, such as hydrogeology, geochemistry, and isotopic-geochemistry and my Ph.D. research activity is mainly focused on the hydrogeological,...
Grantee story: Klara Nagode
My name is Klara and I am a PhD student at the department of Environmental Sciences, Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia). Even before starting my PhD studies, my wish was to spend a period of time abroad to gain international experience...
Grantee story: Concetta d’Amato
I’m Concetta, PhD student at the University of Trento in Agrifood and Environmental Sciences – C3A. Thanks to COST Action WATSON I did a Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) at Écol Polytechinque Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL, Lausanne (laboratory of ecohydrology...
Grantee story: Arianna Borriero
Arianna Borriero spent the whole month of September 2021 in a scientific mission, hosted by Dr.ir. Miriam Coenders and Dr. Markus Hrachowitz at the Water Management Department of the University of Delft. Let’s see what she has...