I’m Matteo Nigro a Ph.D. student at the Earth Science Department of the University of Pisa. My education is focused on water-related disciplines, such as hydrogeology, geochemistry, and isotopic-geochemistry and my Ph.D. research activity is mainly focused on the hydrogeological, and geochemical responses of stream catchment to wildfire perturbation.
This year (2022), I joined the WG1 of the WATSON project. Thanks to the project, I was accepted for three months STSM (21st June to the 4th of October 2022) at the Department of Environmental Sciences of the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana (Slovenia), for which Daniele Penna advised me.
At the end of June, I landed at the institute and got a great welcome by Dr. Polona Vreča, my supervisor, and all the colleagues. During the last two months of work, many interesting opportunities of meeting with researchers and visiting laboratories were possible. From water isotope laboratories, the main topic of this STSM, to ultra-high sensibility mass spectrometer, to an experimental nuclear reactor.
Matteo Nigro is the recipient of a Short term scientific missions grant